Saturday, 14 May 2016

How to Configure MySQL Database in Hybris Suite...?

How to Configure MySQL Database in hybris Suite:
MySQL SetUp:
Download and Install MySQL 5.x in system.
Create a database with name “anyname” in MySQL .
Do some changes in “C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini ” file or through MySQL workbench

Please edit it to specify the default character set using MySQL Workbench

In the MySQL Workbench you may administer the server and set up basic values for the my.ini file without manual editing the file.

1. Open the MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard (by clicking on Start > Programs > MySQL > MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE on MySQL 5.6, for example)

2. Double click the server on the server administration section

3. Click on Options file under Configuration

4. On the General tab in the International section, be sure to set the character-set- server option to utf8 and select skip-character- set-character- set-client- handshake.

5. On the InnoDB tab under the Logfiles section be sure to set the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit option to 0 in order to improve performance drastically Using the my.ini File Under Windows, by default there is only one instance of the my.ini file located in C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6.

The overriding of parameters through my.ini files of different priorities means that you need to check whether UTF-8 is activated (via the status command on the MySQL command shell, for example). If UTF-8 is activated (as displayed in the following code snippet from the MySQL command shell,you re set:

Server characterset:    utf8

Db     characterset:    utf8

Client characterset:    utf8

Conn.  characterset:    utf8

The character set is specified by the -- character-set- server parameter.

To change the character set options in my.ini you have to set the following variables:


default-character- set=utf8


default-character- set=utf8


character-set- server=utf8

skip-character- set-client- handshake

As we know that hybris suite by default provides HSQL database, so if we want to connect to MySQL database we need to do the following modifications:
·          Open platform/ file
·         Comment the HSQL db configurations
·         Uncomment the MySQL db Configurations
·         Save the file
·         Perform “Ant”
·         Start the hybris server
·         Initialize the system in HAC
With MySQL 5.6.4 (or later) the mysql.allow.fractional.seconds property must be defined. Before 5.6.4 you must either omit the mysql.allow.fractional.seconds property or set it for false! In file

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