Tuesday, 28 June 2016

hybris - setup accelerator site

Open a command line window and navigate to yourpath/bin/platform and execute the command

1. Setantenv.bat to ensure Ant is on your classpath

2. Ant clean which ask to press enter and after that it shows build successful. Now you can see the config folder generated in your hybris path which is responsible for configuration files.

3. Ant all 
Import the codebase into eclipse
File -> Import -> general -> existing projects into workspace and click on Next.

Click browse button and select your hybris path which shows all the available extension.
Select the required extension and click finish.

Preparing Eclipse Ant view
Windows -> show view -> ant we can see the ant symbol 
Click Add Build files in Ant window. Select and expand the 

Platform extension and select build.xml
Set the Ant provided by hybris which is installed  currently. Windows -> preferences - > Ant ( runtime ) click on Ant home and browse the path/bin/platform/ apache –ant-1.9.1
Now start the server command is hybrisserver.bat
…Path/bin/platform> hybrisserver.bat

After server started we need to initialize the system

 Go to http://localhost:9001 to open the hac ( Hybris management console) and click on initialize button.
Here the port number 9001 is set in platform -> project.properties file tomcat.http.port=9001

Ant command Modulegen is used to generate sets of dependent extensions to easily start new projects or create new applications. 
Start the ant task called modulegen. In the example below, you can see the script with the following information:

[input] Please choose the name of your module extension. It has to start with a letter followed by letters and/or numbers.
[input] Press [Enter] to use the default value [training]
[input] Please choose the base package name of your extensions. It has to fulfill java package name convention. Each extension
in the module will
add its name to this package.
[input] Press [Enter] to use the default value [org.training]
[input] Please choose a template for generation.
[input] Press [Enter] to use the default value ([accelerator], b2baccelerator)

After this a copy of different extension like ( **core, **facades, **storefront, **cockpit, **fulfilmentprocess, **test, **initialdata)

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