Wednesday, 29 June 2016

hybris-Config iReport tool to build jasperreport

Here is the step by step to create jasperreport by iReport tool and use in Hybris.

1. Download iReportDesigner

2.Open iReportDesigner,
Add Classpath: Tools > Option > Classpath, add
[hybris home]\ext-platform-optional\virtualjdbc\bin\virtualjdbcserver.jar
[hybris home]\ext-platform-optional\virtualjdbc\lib\vjdbc.jar
[hybris home]\ext-platform-optional\cockpit\bin\cockpitserver.jar

3. New a DataSource with these information
JDBC Driver: de.hybris.vjdbc.VirtualDriver
JDBC URL: jdbc:hybris:sql:http://localhost:9001/virtualjdbc/service
Username: admin 
Password: nimda 
(It is hybris username, not DB username)

Click Test button, it should be connect successfully ( If not, check if Hybris is running)

4. Create a sample report
 In iReportDesigner, File -> New -> Blank A4 Template
Click the button "Report Query" , write a sample Query (it can be normal SQL query or it can be a Flexible query)

For example:  SELECT {p.code}, {}, {p.description} FROM {Product AS p}
Then we will drap and drop the Column name into Detail Section, define header and ajust text if you want
**** To create parameter for report
In left panel, select Parameters -> Add.
****Note: In iReport Designer 5.5  we have "uuid" arrtibute, we should remove it before upload into hybris (in Notepad++, replace by expression uuid=".*" with space)

To import *.*.jrxml into Hybris, we have 2 options:

1. Create widget in ReportCockpit,then upload file .jrxml
2. User impex file to import:
The format impex file as following:

# Language


INSERT_UPDATE JasperMedia;code[unique=true];realfilename;@media[][forceWrite=true];folder(qualifier)[default=$jasperreports_folder];icon(code)[default=icon_jasperreport_wizard];$catalogVersion;mime[default='text/xml']

# Create Countries
UPDATE JasperMedia;code[unique=true];$catalogVersion;title[lang=$lang];reportDescription[lang=$lang];description
 ;MSCS-4015-Coupon1600Report;;"MSCS-4015-Coupon1600Report";"This widget displays orders which have been applied 1600 CNY Coupon";"MSCS-4015-Coupon1600Report"
5.  work is done    


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