Sunday, 3 April 2016

hybris Initialization

        The hybris Commerce Suite Initialization :

1. Open the hybris administration console http://localhost:9001

2.Go to the Platform tab and select Initialization option

3.The Initialization page now displays.


Initialize the System:
4.Click the Initialize.If you Click on the Lock button disables the functionality of the Initialization and Update pages.
Open the command prompt in platform location like D:\hybris\bin\platform. Run as setantenv.bat i.e press enter Run as “ant initialize”.or “ant initialize –Dtentant=$tenantname”

Click the Initialize button then following steps are performed:

Initialization drops existing type definitions from the database,The entire type system is created from scratch. 

 Suspend all running cron jobs and Clear chache information.

 By using DROP TABLE statement removes all tables from the database schema.So that 
 this removes all data stored in the database schema and also hybris Commerce Suite data,  

After click on initialize existing data model definition will be lost.

During an initialization, type system definitions are created to match the type system definition in the items.xml

             Based on items.xml file new tables with initial dataset are created.




  1. Hi,I am facing issues in the Deploying Hybris in production instance.After starting the server and moving to ipaddr:9001 ,it asks for database Initialization.Is there any way i can disable that initialization option in produciton or am i doing wrong somewhere?

  2. In mention system.unlocking.disabled=true to lock the system initialization
